Sunday, June 26, 2011

in the choice of cosmetics

So, in the choice of cosmetics, as in everything else, America offers you the opportunity of free choice. You can buy a cheap cream for $ 5 and left them quite satisfied. You can choose only major cosmetics companies, which is the most secure, but then, most likely in the cream, there would be nothing but substances that enhance the appearance of the skin (but with this task they can manage very well). The cost of such beauty about $ 10-15 (including decorative). You can try "natural" cosmetics (its price is usually about $ 20) or different cosmeceuticals (cosmetics, which assumes the presence of biologically active substances), where the price usually creeps above $ 20. In the beauty salon you can unwind at 100-200 dollars, not counting procedure itself. As a consolation to say that a beauty parlor allowed a higher content of biologically active substances, so in theory it may give some effect. The truth and the risk of side effects in its incorrect use of the above. Whatever your choice, it is helpful to be realistic and understand that our reliance on the "hope in the bank» (hope in the jar) is rarely justified. It is much wiser to spend some time studying the needs of your skin and choose a comprehensive strategy to cosmetic care. Because when used properly, makeup can really give your skin a lot. Just need to make very little effort.

compare it with some cosmetic dictionary or reference book

Hence, another important component of the cost of cosmetics - this is the study of security that cosmetic companies are on their means. Save on testing can only be small and new firms that do not attract as much media attention.

Therefore, cosmetic products, consisting of the same ingredients can vary as the number of funds invested in their advertising, and the number of funds invested in the verification of their safety. Typically, most funds invest in research and large companies who value their reputation, while among the products of small and start-up companies can meet cosmetics, just dangerous to skin and health. However, large companies often prefer to go the beaten track, following a standard set of ingredients that have a superficial effect. Small and start-ups are more likely to experiment, and often try to earn their popularity with unusual care concepts (natural cosmetics, mind & body therapy, etc.), application of new scientific developments and biologically active substances. Among these cosmetic products can sometimes be found interesting, however, before buying them, be sure to read the ingredient list, and then compare it with some cosmetic dictionary or reference book.

FDA requires that all manufacturers of cosmetics formulations indicated cosmetics

Even 40 years ago, FDA (Food and Drug Administration - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration) has determined cosmetics as "substances intended for use on skin, hair or mucous membranes to their jewelry, cleaning, giving a pleasant smell, but no change their physiology and structure »( Anything that does not fit this definition, and can affect the physiology of the skin, belongs to the drug. Obviously, it is impossible to smooth out wrinkles and make skin younger, without interfering in its internal affairs, so that makeup, which really could do it at once would have found the definition of drugs.

The fact that the FDA requires that all manufacturers of cosmetics formulations indicated cosmetics. In Russia, no such law, so all the information on the composition of information on Russian banks creams may be limited by the words "cream with seaweed extract and vitamins C and E," or "Ingredients: vegetable oil, extracts of burdock, chamomile, vitamins A, E, C" , without technical additives (emulsifiers, flavoring agents, preservatives, etc.). On the whole make-up, which is produced or sold in America are absolutely all the ingredients of water to preservatives. Although the manufacturer of cosmetics in the United States is not obliged to disclose the exact amount of each ingredient, it must list all ingredients in descending order (and if you see some fancy and expensive ingredients at the end of the list, it can be ignored - it's a percent). If any ingredient causes many adverse reactions, it quickly notice, both journalists and rival firms, raising around cosmetics, to which he belongs, and the company that produces this makeup, a wave of public indignation. So, despite the lack of state control, cosmetic companies have to carefully check the make-up, to avoid complications.

New Age

At that cosmetic companies do spend an enormous amount, so it's advertising. The five-minute television advertising can do cosmetic companies millions of dollars and many cosmetic companies offer not only advertising on television, but in all more or read magazines. And it's paying off, as the period from 1994 to 2001, cosmetic sales grew by almost 10 billion dollars, and continue to grow despite the economic crisis in the U.S..

Whereas previously the main target of cosmetic ads were ladies aged 18-30 years, but now the most profitable category of customers - men and women 35-45 years of age. This is due to the fact that this is the age many people decide to sharp turn in life - change jobs, get married, get divorced and find new partners. That's when the need arises to look younger, healthier and more energetic. Even the economic crisis of the cosmetic industry is not a hindrance, because the middle-aged people who lost their jobs and forced stud thresholds in the intrigues of the new, also want to look young and efficient. For them, the shops are arranged rows of jars with inscriptions inviting Anti-age, Wrinkle-cure, New Age, Skin Firming, etc. True, if you look closely, you can distinguish a small catch - most often in the abstract to such means reads "skin will look younger," "the wrinkles will seem less", "you reach a youthful looking skin (young-looking)». That is, the skin may not be younger, but you feel that there are fewer wrinkles. These reservations are required manufacturers of cosmetics because officially no slowing down aging and wrinkle removal cosmetics do not have to.

American beauty - a hope in the bank

Many of the ladies left for America, a precaution taken with a favorite creams and cosmetics. But sooner or later the usual cosmetics seized from home, end, and there is a need to replenish stocks. Where to go and what to choose? And the difference between cosmetics sold in Russia, the American cosmetics? Why is it that food prices around the same composition may differ considerably.

To begin with, the cost of ingredients, usually a fraction of a percent of the cost of cosmetics. Jar cosmetics worth $ 10 may contain ingredients cost a few cents. Therefore, if the makeup is cheap, it does not mean that it contains low-grade and cheap ingredients. In the market of cosmetic ingredients leading chemical giants (eg, Henkel), which export their products almost every cosmetic company, so the same ingredients found in cans of Russian and American cosmetics, as well as in cosmetics for 20 or 200 dollars. Typically, the choice of quality, well-purified ingredients determined not financially capable of, but by how it values ​​its reputation. On the ingredients often saves small, start-cosmetic companies who are forced to save every penny.